Courageous Conversations

Ultimate Obedience | Corruption, Crown, Crucifixion, & the Corpse

Season 2 Episode 13

In the final day of Holy Week: Ultimate Obedience, Steve addresses the events Good Friday.

How does He endure all this?
Hebrews 12:2 tells us to look into Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God .

The joy- of redeeming mankind from the most lawless, heinous, shameful, sick, self-serving sins. For the joy of redeeming and saving sinners from a  certain hell and allowing them heaven instead- He endured the cross!

Key Scripture:
John 18:12–14, 19–23; Matthew 26:59–68; Mark 14:55–65; Luke 22:63–71; John 18:19–24
Matthew 27:1–2, 11–14; Mark 15:1–5; Luke 23:1–5; John 18:28–38; Luke 23:6–12
Matthew 27:15–30; Mark 15:6–19; Luke 23:13–25; John 19:1–16
Matthew 27:31–56; Mark 15:20–41; Luke 23:26–49; John 19:16–30
Matthew 27:54
Matthew 27:57–60; Mark 15:42–47; Luke 23:50–55; John 19:31–42
2 Tim 4:7-8

Start strong, stay strong, and finish strong by remembering why you started in the first place 

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Pastor, author and speaker Steve Berger is known for his straight talk in dealing with various hot-topic cultural issues that many pastors avoid. In 2021, he founded Ambassador Services International with his wife, Sarah. He serves on the Executive and Pastoral Advisory Boards for Promise Keepers International, and the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast Board. Whether preaching or writing, in great joy or pain, Steve longs to be a proclaimer of the grace and hope that Jesus came to offer. Since June of 1987, he has been married to Sarah, the love of his life, and together, they have four beautiful children and four grandchildren.

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