Courageous Conversations
What are Courageous Conversations? They're a series of fearless conversations tackling tough issues in politics, church and culture.
Hosted by Steve Berger, pastor, father and international spiritual leader, this podcast presents challenging topics facing our culture and our country offering truth in a time of fake news and misinformation. Truth, has the power to set us free!
120 episodes
The Revelation of Jesus Christ, part 15
God is a supernatural God, and He does supernatural things, with supernatural beings, in the realm of humans. Revelation chapter 10 is filled with supernatural mystery- angels, demons, and war in the heavens. Some of it we can decode, and other...
The Revelation of Jesus Christ, part 14
In this episode, Steve unpacks Revelation Chapter 9 and the wrath of God that is described, in an effort to bring those left on earth to repentance. Believers in Christ are not recipients of this wrath, but it should put a fire in us to bring o...
The Revelation of Jesus Christ, part 13
Revelation 8:1-12Today Pastor Steve takes us from the interlude of chapter seven to the opening of the 7th seal in chapter 8....
The Revelation of Jesus Christ, part 12
Today we look at the events of what is commonly called The Great Tribulation, 7 years, Daniel's 70th week.Revelation 7:1-17Romans 8:18- For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be...
Revelation of Jesus Christ, part 11
Today Pastor Steve gives a quick update on US vs. Skrmetti and introduces us to the 7 Seals in Revelation 6:1-17. * The seals are a generalization, a summary of future trumpet and bowl judgments that we’ll see in fut...
Season 2
Episode 41
The Revelation of Jesus Christ, part 10
Revelation 5:1-14 And I saw in the right hand of Him who sat on the throne a scroll.....“Depend upon it, my hearer, you never will go to heaven unless you are prepared to worship Jesus Christ as God. They are all ...
Season 2
Episode 40
The Revelation of Jesus Christ, part 9
Today we enter the Throne Room of Heaven. ⚓︎ Revelation 4:1-11Beloved, God is on the throne, He is worthy of non-stop worship by all of His creation!
Season 2
Episode 39
The Revelation of Jesus Christ, part 8
To the Church in Laodicea.Revelation 3:14-22
Season 2
Episode 38
Biblical vs Political | Abortion
This week, Pastor Steve addresses the subject of abortion. There are many misconceptions regarding this topic, even within the church. You are encouraged to listen and learn about it from a biblical perspective.<...
Season 2
Episode 37
The Revelation of Jesus Christ, part 7
Revelation part 7: "And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write ..."Revelation 3:7-13Beloved; Jesus is holy and genuine, He opens and shuts doors in your life authoritatively and intentionally. Even though you ha...
Season 2
Episode 36
Biblical vs Political | Immigration - Strangers, Foreigners, Sojourners, Aliens
Join me as I come alongside Pastor Ian Gilchrist at One Church Home to speak into Biblical vs. Political matters.Remember : Government is God’s idea and design to provide structure for people to flour...
Season 2
Episode 35
Revelation of Jesus Christ, part 6
Join us as we take a look at the Church of Sardis, one of oldest and most important cities of Asia Minor. Revelation 3:1-6
Season 2
Episode 34
Revelation of Jesus Christ, part 5
Welcome to The Revelation of Jesus Christ: The Church at Thyatira.
Season 2
Episode 33
Revelation of Jesus Christ, part 4
Join us tonight as Pastor Steve unpacks Revelation 2:12-17: The Church at Pergamos.
Season 2
Episode 32
Revelation of Jesus Christ, part 3
Today we begin to look at the letters to the seven churches of Revelation chapters 2 and 3. Beginning with Ephesus (2:1-7) and Smyrna (2:8-11), Pastor Steve walks us through what each letter reveals about Jesus, the Church, and ...
Season 2
Episode 31
Revelation of Jesus Christ, part 2
Welcome back to the journey through the Revelation of Jesus Christ. ⚓︎ Revelation 1:9-20Beloved, chapter one lays the necessary foundation for the entire book: Jesus must be revealed in the glory of Being. He must ...
Season 2
Episode 30
The Revelation of Jesus Christ, part 1
Welcome back to the journey through the Revelation of Jesus Christ. This week we shed any preconceived notions of who Jesus is and dig, verse by verse, into the Truth of who He is and what He has called us to. ⚓︎ Revelation 1:...
Season 2
Episode 29
The Revelation of Jesus Christ
Thank you for joining us as Pastor Steve introduces what promises to be an adventure and we unpack the book of Revelation!
Season 2
Episode 28
Exposing the Spirit of the Accuser
The Spirit of the Accuser is something that, if you are a believer, you have probably experienced. It is a self righteous, high and mighty spirit that lives in those who believe they know God's Word better than anyone else, and are the self app...
Season 2
Episode 27
Behind the Scenes: Seeing Satan's Activity From the Unseen Realm
How do we explain the utter insanity of the days in which we live?Pastor Steve teaches the importance of standing for Truth and KNOWING the Truth⚓︎Scripture:2 Corinthians 4:4Revelation 12:121 John 5:191 Kings 22:1-23...
Season 2
Episode 26
Things Above: Mankind's Ultimate Hope, week 10
In this final episode of Things Above: Mankind's Ultimate Hope, Steve and Sarah sit and have an honest conversation (and Q&A) about the realities of having one in Heaven. This is a must listen for all!
Season 2
Episode 25
Things Above: Mankind's Ultimate Hope, week 9
In this MidWeek service, Things Above: Mankind's Ultimate Hope, Pastor Steve focuses on our understanding, as christians, the moment when we stand before Christ in Heaven: We need to be wise master builders,...
Season 2
Episode 24
Pray and Stand with Israel | Interview with Ohad Tal
It was an honor and privilege to sit with MK Ohad Tal and Pastor Ian Gilchrist.In this 45 minute interview we discuss the state of Israel post October 7th, and how The Church can love and support the Jewish Nation. 🇮🇱
Season 2
Episode 23
Things Above: Mankind's Ultimate Hope, week 8
This week Pastor Steve discusses the issue of the Judgement seat of Christ- the Bema Seat. The Bema seat of Christ is the time in eternity when believers will stand before Christ and be judged; not for salvation, but for the level of...
Season 2
Episode 22
Things Above: Mankind's Ultimate Hope, week 7
Faith to Face, Seeing God in Heaven. ⚓︎ Matthew 8:11; 22:2-4, Luke 12:37, Matthew 26:29This week, Pastor Steve shifted focus from our resurrected bodies and abilities to the true focus of Heaven: Faith to Face - when our ...
Season 2
Episode 21