Courageous Conversations

Things Above: Mankind's Ultimate Hope, week 6

April 25, 2024 Season 2 Episode 20
Things Above: Mankind's Ultimate Hope, week 6
Courageous Conversations
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Courageous Conversations
Things Above: Mankind's Ultimate Hope, week 6
Apr 25, 2024 Season 2 Episode 20

Heavenly Relationships

It has been an AWE-some 6 weeks diving into the realities of Heaven. This week Pastor Steve tackles the questions we all have about relationships in Heaven.

Heaven will not be void of family, in fact we will be one big family. Heaven is where all family members are friends, and all friends are family; we will experience maximized relationships!

Key Scripture:
Luke 8:19-21
Mark 10:29-30
Matthew 22:23-33
Ephesians 5:31-32
Hosea 2:19-20
2 Corinthians 11:2
Revelation 19:6-10
Matthew 8:11
Matthew 22:2-4
Luke 12:37
Matthew 26:29

"No inhabitants of that blessed world will ever be grieved with the thought that they are slighted by those that they love or that their love is not fully and fondly returned. There shall be no such thing as flattery or insincerity in heaven, but there perfect sincerity shall reign through all and in all. Every expression of love shall truly come from the bottom of every heart and all that is professed shall be really and truly felt." 
Jonathan Edwards

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Pastor, author and speaker Steve Berger is known for his straight talk in dealing with various hot-topic cultural issues that many pastors avoid. In 2021, he founded Ambassador Services International with his wife, Sarah. He serves on the Executive and Pastoral Advisory Boards for Promise Keepers International, and the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast Board. Whether preaching or writing, in great joy or pain, Steve longs to be a proclaimer of the grace and hope that Jesus came to offer. Since June of 1987, he has been married to Sarah, the love of his life, and together, they have four beautiful children and four grandchildren.

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Show Notes

Heavenly Relationships

It has been an AWE-some 6 weeks diving into the realities of Heaven. This week Pastor Steve tackles the questions we all have about relationships in Heaven.

Heaven will not be void of family, in fact we will be one big family. Heaven is where all family members are friends, and all friends are family; we will experience maximized relationships!

Key Scripture:
Luke 8:19-21
Mark 10:29-30
Matthew 22:23-33
Ephesians 5:31-32
Hosea 2:19-20
2 Corinthians 11:2
Revelation 19:6-10
Matthew 8:11
Matthew 22:2-4
Luke 12:37
Matthew 26:29

"No inhabitants of that blessed world will ever be grieved with the thought that they are slighted by those that they love or that their love is not fully and fondly returned. There shall be no such thing as flattery or insincerity in heaven, but there perfect sincerity shall reign through all and in all. Every expression of love shall truly come from the bottom of every heart and all that is professed shall be really and truly felt." 
Jonathan Edwards

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Pastor, author and speaker Steve Berger is known for his straight talk in dealing with various hot-topic cultural issues that many pastors avoid. In 2021, he founded Ambassador Services International with his wife, Sarah. He serves on the Executive and Pastoral Advisory Boards for Promise Keepers International, and the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast Board. Whether preaching or writing, in great joy or pain, Steve longs to be a proclaimer of the grace and hope that Jesus came to offer. Since June of 1987, he has been married to Sarah, the love of his life, and together, they have four beautiful children and four grandchildren.

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