Courageous Conversations
What are Courageous Conversations? They're a series of fearless conversations tackling tough issues in politics, church and culture.
Hosted by Steve Berger, pastor, father and international spiritual leader, this podcast presents challenging topics facing our culture and our country offering truth in a time of fake news and misinformation. Truth, has the power to set us free!
Courageous Conversations
Revelation of Jesus Christ, part 11
Today Pastor Steve gives a quick update on US vs. Skrmetti and introduces us to the 7 Seals in Revelation 6:1-17.
* The seals are a generalization, a summary of future trumpet and bowl judgments that we’ll see in future chapters.
* 7th seal is first trumpet, 7th trumpet leads to the first bowl.
* The seals, trumpets and bowls, ARE NOT CHRONOLOGICAL in the usual sense. Trumpets and bowls are much more specific and detailed view than seals.
* The seals also resemble general historic happenings- but these seals are meant to introduce us to a much more intense time of tribulation on the earth. Way more than anything the world has ever seen, Matt 24:21.
* In fact, 6th seal is so intense the question gets asked, “who can stand?”
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Pastor, author and speaker Steve Berger is known for his straight talk in dealing with various hot-topic cultural issues that many pastors avoid. In 2021, he founded Ambassador Services International with his wife, Sarah. He serves on the Executive and Pastoral Advisory Boards for Promise Keepers International, and the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast Board. Whether preaching or writing, in great joy or pain, Steve longs to be a proclaimer of the grace and hope that Jesus came to offer. Since June of 1987, he has been married to Sarah, the love of his life, and together, they have four beautiful children and four grandchildren.
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